Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Contoh Teks Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Pendukung Penafsiran

Life or Death ?
How would you feel if a loved one were killed? Would you want retribution or would having the killer in prison be enough? This question has been asked many times, but people are not in agreement about the ultimate punishment. We all know that it is wrong to take a human life, but if our government does the killing, is still crime? Some people say that the government doesn’t have the right to end someone’s life, but the following reasons will show why capital punishment should be preserved.

The First reason for allowing the death penalty is for the sake of punishment itself. Most people agree that criminals who commit serious crimes should be separated from society. The punishment will depend on the degree of the crime. Capital punishment, the most severe form of punishment, ends criminals lives. It seems reasonable that this severe punishment be reserved for those who commit the most serious crimes.
The Second reason to preserve capital punishment is financial. The government doesn’t have to spend a lot of money on criminals. Next to capital punishment, the most punishment is a life sentence in prison, where the government has to take care of criminals until they die naturally. These criminals do not work, but they receive free housing and food. It is unfair to use tax dollars for such a purpose.
The last reason for continuing the use of the death penalty is based on the purpose of government. If the government has legitimate power to make judge, and carry out the laws, it should also have the power to decide if criminals should die. Capital punishment is like any other sentence. If one believes that the government has the right to charge a fine or put criminals into jail, then the government must also have the same power to decide the fate of prisoner’s life.
The opponents of capital punishment might say that nobody has the right to decide who should die, including government. However, when the government sends soldiers into war, in some way, it is deciding those soldiers fate; some will live and some will be killed. As long as the government has a right to send its citizens to a battelefield, it has a right to put criminals to death.
There are many good reasons to preserve capital punishment. Certainly not every criminals should be put to death. Capital punishment will be viewed as the harshest from of punishment. If no punishment can reform a murderer, then capital punishment is the best thing that can be done for that person and for society.

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